Wednesday, December 10, 2008

So I guess this is what I must do when tagged......

8 TV Shows I Like....

1. Jon & Kate +8
2. Time Warp
3. Bad Girls Club
4. What Not To Wear
5. Family Guy
6. The Simpsons
7. Destroyed in Seconds
8. Shows about like humongous tumors or dwarfs,
just unusual and interesting shows like that

8 Things I Did Yesterday...

1. Felt sick
2. Watched TV
3. Cooked Dinner
4. Went to the gym
5. Slid on ice in the car
6. Cleaned up the apartment
7. Did dishes
8. Slept

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To...

1. Christmas Party
2. Getting paid
3. Going to bed
4. Christmas
5. The weekend
6. Going Christmas shopping with Dee
7. Going to the gym tomorrow
8. Earning more money on Sunday

8 Of My Favorite Restaurants...

1. Chuck-a-rama
2. Iceburg, for peanut butter shakes
3. Wendy's, for grilled chicken caesar
4. The Mayan, for good entertainment
5. Carl's Junior
6. Burger King, for crosandwiches
7. Pizza Hut
8. Dee's

8 Things I Wish For...

1. My parents to do ok
2. To make more money
3. To not worry
4. David and I always work out
5. A good year
6. To lose 10 pounds
7. to be an even better cook
8. To make more friends

8 People I Tag...

1. Momma
2. Jordan
3. Rachel
4. David if he reads this
5. Kris
6. Emilie even I know she has been tagged it adds to my 8
7. The mystery follower I don't know
8. Danielle who doesn't blog


Dani said...

I wonder why we like pretty much all the same shows. I mean, I love shows about humongous tumors and stuff. You think I'm kidding but I'm serious.

shweetpotato said...

What is wrong with my children?? no just teasin, I love those shows too, maybe its we are just warped lmbo, Mom