Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hi Everybody!

So all this week I have been watching my adorable lil cousins and I loved it. I have a couple pictures but I didn't take very many because I was a little busy watching them. So all 3 days watching them the kids were great but we had some trouble with their doberman. She is the cutest dog she puts her head on my lap when I pet her and she plays. Unfortunately I let her out and I didn't know that the backyard wasn't closed off! So I look out and she's GONE! Oh my gosh I started freaking out yelling her name over and over! I put on my shoes and went darting out into the 20 foot deep snow but no doggy! After maybe 10 minutes I see her in someones backyard and this girl is throwing snowballs at her! Then I see her run out of the backyard and finally toward the house! I was sOoOO relieved. She ran in front of someones car though and they kept honking at her. Then I finally get her in the house and I notice she peed on the carpet! That doggy is trouble, on Monday she ate a whole tennis ball and then on Tuesday she puked it up onto the carpet hahaha. I'm so glad she came back. That was hectic. So I babysat Monday and Tuesday, then I worked Wednesday, Babysat again on Thursday and I work Friday and Saturday. Busy week! I wish babysitting was my job lol. But I still love my job! Besides that not much new is going on here. I went tanning today. I'm also sad to say that my Cancun trip is cancelled :(. Hopefully we will still go to L.A. So I guess that's all I have to say.


Dani said...

Oh you're not going to Cancun? how come? Lol the dog ate a WHOLE tennis ball? then puked it the next day? haha crazy doggy. I think you just don't like animals lol!

Emilie said...

I dislike dogs, they are too much trouble! Your cousins are really cute btw.

Dani said...