Monday, August 18, 2008

Poor Maggie

So last night me and David were hanging out with Maggie and she started climbing in my hair!! I was like AAAHHH OWWWWW AHAAAHAHA!!! Then she sneezed in my hair!! Gross, anyway, I thought she sneezed because she was mad but then a couple minutes later she sneezed again!!! Then she climbed in my hair and..............she pooped in my hair!! GROSS!! But sadly she had diarrhea!! Poor baby. So she was still sneezing a little so we took her back to the pet store. They said they have to keep her for 2 weeks to treat her and make sure she is better so we can take her home. So no Maggie for 2 weeks. It's kind of good though because they are doing inspections at our apartments tomorrow and they are choosing 25 apartments. If they saw Maggie and Maggie accessories they wouldn't be pleased and we would be charged $50.oo a day till she is gone. So now we just gotta hide her accessories!! I miss Maggie but she will be happier when she gets back.

1 comment:

shweetpotato said...

Ohhh Poor Maggie, hope you washed your hair hehe.. sorry but thats kinda funny :D Mom